February 26, 1990. By many standards, an insignificant date. George HW Bush was president, Janet Jackson was number one on the music charts, and The Hunt for Red October starring Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin was playing in theaters.
And the internet? Please! The notion of a home computer was ridiculous.
To Todd Gaul, February 26, 1990, is significant–the birthdate of Designer Builders, Inc. For thirty years, Designer Builders has been growing and evolving to bring the best of technology, service, and craftsmanship to homeowners in South Carolina.

It would be hard to argue against the fact that the process of homebuilding unites people of all backgrounds, ages, and gender.

Designer Builders as a business isn’t the only thing that has evolved over the years, Todd Gaul has grown too. Todd started his career as a trim carpenter’s assistant—true on-the-job training. Albert Einstein is credited with saying, “Failure is success in progress”. Anyone who has ever made a costly mistake in business can relate.
Beth Garvin, who started with Todd almost from day one, shared one of Todd’s early learning experiences. While working as an apprentice, Todd was asked by his superior to cut a hole in the roof of a project on which he was working. After cutting a hole in the roof, Todd realized he had gotten turned around and actually cut the hole on the front side of the house, rather than the back—a mistake never again repeated!
Yes, experience is the best teacher.
Todd’s foundation in business started with real-world experience; working on his tools learning what works and what does not. All the rest of us are the beneficiaries of his determination to produce the highest quality product possible.

Businesses that do not evolve with new technologies or do not produce a quality product, usually do not last.
Todd recognizes businesses today must have a user-friendly, modern website and an engaging social media presence. As part of our 30-year celebration, we are excited to share with you our new and improved website as well as, our more engaging media platforms.
We look forward to sharing the next milestones with you on our website, social media pages, and our blog. Each of our clients, subcontractors, and staff—both past and present—is a valuable part of the success of Designer Builders.
Thank you for thirty years…and counting.